In the above video you can see what I call my “Uno Attack Hack”. My hacked Uno Attack consists of an Uno Attack game that has been modified to allow me to secretly change the outcome of the game to my advantage. Â The hacked Uno Attack has four different operating modes that are set over a Bluetooth connection using an Android based program. Â The orientation of the Android phone determines which mode the hacked Uno Attack is in. Â The four modes are:
1. Normal – In normal operating mode it operates like a non-hacked Uno Attack. Â When the button is pressed there is a 1 in 3 random chance of cards getting shot out. Â The number of cards being shot out varies randomly between approximately 1 and 6. Â The hacked Uno Attack is in this mode when the phone is laying on a flat surface, screen up.
2. Don’t Attack – In this mode the hacked Uno Attack will never shoot out any cards. Â This is the mode that I will typically have it in on my turn, so I don’t get any more cards added to my hand. Â The hacked Uno Attack is in this mode when the phone is on its left side.
3. Timed Attack – In this mode the hacked Uno Attack is preloaded with an amount of time ( in milliseconds) that cards should shoot out for on the next button press. Â The amount of time is loaded into the hacked Uno Attack by standing the phone on end, then laying it flat again. Â The amount of time the phone was standing straight up will be the amount of time loaded into the hacked Uno Attack.
4. Attack Now! – In the mode, the hacked Uno Attack will start shooting cards without its button ever being pressed. Â This would be used near the end of a game, when you are ready to give away your secret, but want to really confuse the other players first. Â The hacked Uno Attack is in this mode when the phone is standing oriented upside down. Â Normal operating mode is returned once the phone is put flat again.
The original circuit board of the Uno Attack was completely replaced with a new custom made one using a PIC 16F88 and a RN-42 Bluetooth Module.  If there is enough interest in this, I will post more information on the construction of this including source, schematics, etc.