tiltBoard To Be Mass Produced!

After much demand for my product and lots of commercial interest, I have negotiated a deal with specialist peripheral makers Talismoon. We are working together on a very cool product, which will bring tilt sensitivty for the Xbox 360 to the masses.  Unfortunately I can not say much more yet, but it will be worth the wait.

Stay tuned over the coming weeks!

16 Replies to “tiltBoard To Be Mass Produced!”

  1. Will you be selling the tilt board or a 360 controller with a built in tilt board. For us who are less confident in our soldering abilities a built in tilt board would be awesome.

  2. Whatever you do, please keep the original 360 controller! I never had much of a knack for 3rd party controllers.

  3. Yo Adam! Great to hear about it! Hope Talismoon sells it in the form of a kit (something you replace the lower controller plate with, for example) for those who would like to keep their original controllers.

    Lots of success!

  4. hey congrats man! i wrote a blog about you on thexboxdomain.net when you figured how to get it inside the controller.

    when ever you got any new info on when a release may be happening, ill be sure to tell the world about your 360tilt controller again!

  5. Hi i wondering if the mass produced one wiil have all the conponents inside unlike on the back of the controller?

  6. When will your new controllers be released?
    What’s the difference between yours and the Xilt controller?

  7. My name is my GamerTag…

    neway i hope to see this IN controllers when the controllers are sold… i really would like to have this in a pre-modded controller rather than have to mod it myself… but i would if that is what it would take…

    great make m8 – you are going to be rich!

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