Xbox 360 Tilt Controller – Finished! – Video

Here is a video of the finished Xbox 360 tilt controller. Not a whole lot new in this video except a short (cheesy) clip of me, the correct pronunciation of “Thole”, and clips of Full Auto and Crimson Skies with the finished controller. Enjoy!

63 Replies to “Xbox 360 Tilt Controller – Finished! – Video”

  1. MS will pull an Apple and sue you or they may just outbuy you so that a new 360 controller can come out bearing the microsoft logo.

  2. It looks cool and I’d like to believe it, but your thumb was over the xbox button so the light was covered, which means another person could easily have been controlling it and you were faking.

  3. id like a list of materials and instuctions to accomplish this mod e-mail me some time. it would be much appreciated because there are children in the house that would enjoy your mod very much.

  4. Hey there, I’ve been searching for a couple of days now because I want to do this with my PC compatible Xbox 360 controller, would this mod work with the PC version too?

  5. @Jeff:

    If you only supply the op-amp with 5 volts, it can only provide (usually just shy of) 5 volts at its output. The gain sets what voltage the input has to have to get that maximum 5 volt output.

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