30 Replies to “Xbox 360 Tilt Controller – For Sale”

  1. wow, that is the sweetest thing i have ever seen. Please, Please, Please contact me if u have any available for sale

  2. If you are interested in producing this commercially, send me an email and we can work on producing a product for retail. check our website for info on the company and our services. tks

  3. Wow dude great job on the controller. I hope you make a lot of money for this. I can’t believe how incredibly accurate this seems to be.

    I had another idea on a project you can try. I was thinking it would be cool if you can make a controller mod similar to the Wii controller. Where if you move the controller around in any direction, a crosshair in an FPS will move in the same direction. Kind of like the cursor in Wii.

    Anyways, keep up the good work! If you sell the board that is attached to the back of the controller, and a tut on where to solder / cut, I would definately by a few of them for my controllers.

  4. WOW, Vary nice work, love it, great job,

    “Anyways, keep up the good work! If you sell the board that is attached to the back of the controller, and a tut on where to solder / cut, I would definately by a few of them for my controllers.” ( Jason )

    I would buy 1~5 of the KITs. ( preLoad the Micro-controller with the Software; you have to have some trade-secrets ) [ or if i have to the Add-on Kit ]

    About How much for one of them ? ( KIT / Completed, add-on Kit )

    I know i can push a few to my friends. easy

  5. I already emailed you about a kit, but thought I’d comment here too. This is such an awesome project. While a complete board would be awesome I would be completely satisfied with just a programmed PIC so I could throw it all together myself.

    Congratulations, I hope this all works out well for you!


  6. Before you buy consider this (And I still think this guy’s on top of “the best mod 2007” list) :
    From the video it looks like there is a considerable lag. Maybe another accelerometer chip has a faster response/ less lag.
    Further would I suggest to add two cables and a pcb-miniswitch to re-enable the analog stick. I believe this is quit easy, but a must.

    My compliments to Adam.


  7. Hi, i just wanted to tell you that i love what you have done and i would be very much interested in buying one of these. I also would love to see a wireless version of this.
    I was wondering if it would be possible to place that bord inside the xbox controller or if it has to be on the outside. If the space is not sufficent enough to place it inside you should talk to some of the comanies producing replace cases for the controller if they could make some just for that.
    This is totally awesome.

  8. I was wondering what the controls are like. You said you can tilt left, right, forward (up), and back (down). But what about upper left, lower left, upper right, lower right on the thumbstick? Basically do you have a 360 degree radius to turn/look? Thanks

  9. woah this is really kool, you could make millions off it. i think you should make it so u can switch between the joystick and the motion senser, that would be a lot better because differnt games need different things, let yours have both!!
    I like the progress its made on ebay, $100! for one controller!! pretty kool
    give me an email if u want me to get some ideas for u 🙂

  10. Hey man you, cool idea untill someone makes a “WIRELESS” version and then you are SOL! Listen to what “Deadbeef” said about enabling the left stick again, it would be more helpfull so you can use the controller like normal again, for games like Fight Night, Dead or Alive 4, NBA 2K7, etc……..Good idea though but think wireless!

  11. You are not too smart if you auction this off on eBay, unless you’re using a pic chip thats locked very tightly as I guarantee you the person who will be buying this will ONLY be buying it to reverse engineer it to start their own commercial production of them, as they would be a huge hit – especially where MS hasn’t done it yet.

    Wireless is harder, you need to modify a lot more for the extra power consumption requirements. It also should have a tiny microswitch, so you can enable/disable the tilt functionality.

    Your best bet is to haul the auction and sell the design for a few thousand, or work out a royalty with a company… just my opinion, would be worth a lot more to you.

  12. The cost of developing such code is less than the cost of cracking a PIC16. Surely, many people already have the knowledge to put this together, but it is Adam that thought of it and did it first (publicly at least).

  13. you’re awesome dude …

    I agree with the “From the video it looks like there is a considerable lag. Maybe another accelerometer chip has a faster response/ less lag.
    Further would I suggest to add two cables and a pcb-miniswitch to re-enable the analog stick. I believe this is quit easy, but a must.

    post … if this can all happen , it would be fantastic . I would definetly be into a wireless one , if such a thing is yet made …

    congrats …

  14. This looks awesome. I hope you can do some serious business and help us gamers have more fun. You must be one smart dude. Wow man.

  15. Hey Adam, your tilt controller looks awesome!!!! I am so excited for you. You must be a real genius. I bet your parents are so proud! Good luck!

  16. This is totally groovy. I like really really really need one of these. Seriously, like contact me man. U are da man! But really man, like I want one!

  17. This is so assome ,but like i really need a wireless verison, if you made a wireless version that would be cool and oh also it would BE great if you made a switch so you can turn the tilt sensing on and off so for games like gears you dont use the tilt function

  18. Wonderful looking mod. I’d be interested in talking to you more about it actually as I have some ideas for possibly how to fit it inside the controller. I’ve done a lot of work inside original xbox & xbox 360 controllers… and learned how to make things fit… even if they didn’t want to. If you’d like ot discuss it please feel free to email me and we can chat.

  19. dont auction it on ebay!!!whoever buys it is gonna steal ur har work and get rich!!!!get a major company involved!!!!neone who has eyes would want something like this for their company!!!can the auction!!!its not worth loosing ur hardwork!!!imagine turing on the tv and seeing an ad for “THEIR” new controller that u made!!!!DONT SELL IT!!!theyll steal ur ideas!!!!KEEP UR IDEAS AND DESIGNS FOR U!!!!! plz email me!!i really wanna talk 2 u!!!

  20. if u have another controller 4 sale can u contact me also did u try selling the idea to microsoft ull make big bucks $$$


    ur fututre customer

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